Flute trills are fun in GarageBand. And of course, the same applies for any instrument, including piano and sax, where you want a nice even timing to make your trill sound professional.
Definition: a TRILL starts at the root note of your chord (R), goes up to the next note in the chord scale (+1 in the scale, often 2 half steps), returns to the root, goes down to the next note below (minus 1), and ends on the root. [You can choose to go down first.] You can repeat the pattern as long as you'd like. Example:
R... +1... R... -1... R.. +1... R.. -1.. R
TIMING is usually 4 per count, such as 1-e-and-ah-2 for the above trill. Hint: You can easily slow the recording time by changing the tempo down, then just return it to the correct tempo after you finish Step 1.
1. Just go into your instrument track and hit Record (or R).
2. Play the trill as described above for the length you want, ending on the Root note. Note that instrument players often give a slight accent (harder hit) the the first and 5th notes plus a bit of an accent to the 3rd note. In the MIDI track, a harder hit note is a brighter green.
3. After you end the recording, listen to see if your trill is "close." If so, hit Save.
4. If you haven't already done so, hit the "snowflake" and then select Piano Roll.
5. Go to your MIDI notes (squares) for the trill. If any note overlaps the space of the next note, you need to shorten it to stay in its own space, so that each block is approximately the same (short) length. (Click on MIDI note so it turns green, go to end of note and click til you get straight line - not arrow- drag note to left to shorten. HINT: If it won't shorten a small amount, go to Control and click on Snap to Grid to turn that off).
6. Select (highlight) each note in the trill. Note the pattern -- you may need to remember it in Step 8.
7. In the Align to box, select 1/8 Note. You'll probably see the MIDI notes move a bit until evenly spaced... but some might be one above another.
8. Go back to Control and ensure that Snap to Grid is now ON.
9. Now just slide any note that's in the wrong place over an 1/8th count, to match the pattern you observed in Step 6.
That's it.... easy trills that sound professional! Don't forget to change your tempo back if you lowered it:) Much joy in music to you!
- ©2018, 2011 DianaDee Osborne
Reprinted 12 January 2018