Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Beating the Audio Track Joining Quirk, by DianaDee Osborne

Sometimes I find myself talking to my GarageBand program: 
        "You may as well do what I want  because I      
              AM going to win in the end!"                        

The program doesn't talk back... I'm only nicely crazy. I pray.
But I just shared this trick with a professional studio that uses ProLogic -- so one of my "WIN"s of old will help there.
So perhaps you don't know this trick.
Often we edit audio tracks, such as to cut out vocal breaths or copy in a special guitar riff.  We can join the separate regions if the first region bumps up to Count 1.

However, if the audio track starts later, the tracks won't join.
In both GarageBand and ProLogic, you have to bounce out the audio track and then pull it back in as a new track, then delete the old track.  Annoying.   EASY TRICK:

1.  Put the playhead (red bar) at Count 1 of the audio track.
2.  Hit the Record button, and then just wait a few moments, recording silence.  Then stop.
3.   You can now select each region (one at a time) and do the JOIN command.  They are sent out and then brought back onto the same track -- in a different color in GarageBand.

4.  If #2+3 did not work, you can also split out a tiny region of the audio track where there is no sound, and copy it to the front of the track.  Then do Step 3.
Much joy to you creating new music!
©2013 DianaDee Osborne;  all rights reserved