Monday, May 14, 2018


DATE of posting:       14 May 2018      SUBSCRIBE - 

RECORDING HINTS -- written about using  GarageBand -- BUT
these Hints help increase your skills in ProTools, Logic, etc. 

After you have created your music project, whether in GarageBand or another program, 
you might choose a music format that was NOT built from that project's software.
For example, the
described at Resources tab for Music Method
tells you how to easily put your music into a written form for yourself
and other musicians without the "foreign language" of symbols like ♬ or ♮ or ♭ or ♪ .

How do you test to find right Tempo for song?
Use an odd-number tempo while you are still in draft stage,
and are not yet quite settled on how fast you want your music to go.
On your music sheet, include information such as TEMPO: 113 bpm (odd number).
After you decide what tempo you want -- 
because a difference even of only 8 beats per minute can turn a dragging piece 
into a more popping song--
1. Ensure that the GarageBand /program tempo is changed to an EVEN number, and
2. Mark the music sheet to match, such as TEMPO: 114 bpm
3. Make the font for the music sheet's number BOLD.
Afterwards, you will always know when looking at your music sheet
that you have verified the tempo and do not need to return to the program to ensure your sheet is correct.

Much joy in Music Writing to you! Creating something that has never before existed in the universe.... something uniquely out of YOUR mind only, that no one else would have thought of in the exact creative form you did..... music is such a joy! And remember --
YOUR music is NEVER wrong!
If you have clashing notes
(as I OFTEN do in my 500+ songs, see,
they are still right if  YOU   say  so! That's your creative mind at work!

Much joy to you creating new music!
Lots of Examples to hear free at
©2018, 2012 DianaDee Osborne;  all publication rights reserved
(An earlier version published 18 February 2012)

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

DisguIsing the Off-Key Vocal Notes

DATE of posting:    8 May 2018       SUBSCRIBE - 

RECORDING HINTS -- written about using  GarageBand -- BUT
these Hints help increase your skills in ProTools, Logic, etc. 

So the vocal line is great except for one tiny little EAR-catching off-key note! 
What do you do without a fancy ($$) program that does pitch correct?
Especially if the vocalist cannot return to sing that section again?

FUN HINT on how to DISGUISE the note.
You probably have several instruments playing simulataneously with the vocal track.

1. Pick the single-note instrument, such as flute or sax.
Piano with all its notes is ok but not as effective in catching the listener's attention.

2. Go to that instrument's notes that surround the slightly-off vocal note.

3. Ensure that the instrument's track at that point does NOT
repeat / include the correct vocal note! After all.... the singer MIGHT have followed it....

4.  Create harmony notes at this area with the instrument track. 
Notes can go  above and/or below  the vocal note.
 "Busy" (like 1/8th notes) can be a friend, but not required .

5.  Adjust the volume of the instrument's notes so that they 
stand "above" the vocal in the surrounding area somewhat -- 
not enough to be really noticeable, but enough to detract attention from the vocal.

6. If still needed, open the volume track, open the audio region to be 'wide', and reduce the volume of the offensive note:)

And of course, if all else fails....
call the vocalist in to re-sing the piece,
or learn to just enjoy the fact that music is to be fun, not always perfect!

Much joy to you creating sometimes imperfect music!
Lots of Examples to hear free at

©2018, 2012 DianaDee Osborne;  all publication rights reserved
(An earlier version published 8 January 2012)

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Get Out the MIDI Buzz - by DianaDee Osborne

DATE of posting:       1 May 2018     SUBSCRIBE - 

RECORDING HINTS -- written about using  GarageBand -- BUT
these Hints help increase your skills in ProTools, Logic, etc. 

This is one of my final Quality Check steps to get a better sound from MIDI instruments.
1. Go into the SCORE section of the music.

2. Select a short section. Working about 4 measures at a time,
click ABOVE the first music note, then hold the mouse button as you
drag the cursor down to the lowest note and then to
the right-most bottom of the 4th or so measure.

3. Look at then length of the notes -- 
especially the last note in a measure.
THIS IS ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT FOR SAX, HORN, and other "harsh" loud instruments.

4. If you see a note that has extended past the measure line,
click on it and shorten its length.

5. A previous blog Hint provided more details about "quantizing" (the timing)
and ensuring all notes are short enough to not "bleed" or extend into the next note --
 the next note will not be heard if the earlier note lasts too long.

These SIMPLE STEPS get rid of 
a LOT of buzz -- especially for loud songs like rock and funk.
6. If a review shows a specific measure where buzzing still happens,
 check each individual track that is playing at that point. 
__a.   Most likely, you hit the controller keyboard a little harder for a note
and need to lower its Velocity (also in the music notation section;
 if in the MIDI view, loud notes will be in a brighter green in GarageBand).
__b.  If STILL Louder,  see my blog about GHOST NOTES:  You probably
got a HIDDEN note behind another when you quantized.  LINK to steps
to FIND IT if you cannot right away:

Much joy to you creating new music!
Lots of Examples to hear free at
©2018, 2012 DianaDee Osborne;  all publication rights reserved
(An earlier version published 2 January 2012)