Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Get Out the MIDI Buzz - by DianaDee Osborne

DATE of posting:       1 May 2018     SUBSCRIBE  
https://dianadeegarageband.blogspot.com - 

RECORDING HINTS -- written about using  GarageBand -- BUT
these Hints help increase your skills in ProTools, Logic, etc. 

This is one of my final Quality Check steps to get a better sound from MIDI instruments.
1. Go into the SCORE section of the music.

2. Select a short section. Working about 4 measures at a time,
click ABOVE the first music note, then hold the mouse button as you
drag the cursor down to the lowest note and then to
the right-most bottom of the 4th or so measure.

3. Look at then length of the notes -- 
especially the last note in a measure.
THIS IS ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT FOR SAX, HORN, and other "harsh" loud instruments.

4. If you see a note that has extended past the measure line,
click on it and shorten its length.

5. A previous blog Hint provided more details about "quantizing" (the timing)
and ensuring all notes are short enough to not "bleed" or extend into the next note --
 the next note will not be heard if the earlier note lasts too long.

These SIMPLE STEPS get rid of 
a LOT of buzz -- especially for loud songs like rock and funk.
6. If a review shows a specific measure where buzzing still happens,
 check each individual track that is playing at that point. 
__a.   Most likely, you hit the controller keyboard a little harder for a note
and need to lower its Velocity (also in the music notation section;
 if in the MIDI view, loud notes will be in a brighter green in GarageBand).
__b.  If STILL Louder,  see my blog about GHOST NOTES:  You probably
got a HIDDEN note behind another when you quantized.  LINK to steps
to FIND IT if you cannot right away:

Much joy to you creating new music!
Lots of Examples to hear free at http://www.DianaDeeOsbornesongs.com/
©2018, 2012 DianaDee Osborne;  all publication rights reserved
(An earlier version published 2 January 2012)